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zhong yong bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "zhong yong"
  • He is traditionally accredited with transmitting Confucian teaching to Mencius and writing the Doctrine of the Mean, Biaoji 表記, "Ziyi" (The Black Robes") 緇衣, and "Fangji" (The Record of the Dikes) 坊記, presently chapters of the Liji.
    Ia biasanya diakreditasi dengan mentransmisikan ajaran Konfusius ke Mengzi dan menulis Zhong Yong, Biaoji 表記, "Ziyi" (Jubah Hitam") 緇衣, dan "Fangji" (Rekaman Tumbuhan) 坊記, saat ini bab-bab Liji.